First Aid Kit For Birds

First Aid Kit For Birds
Item# VSI1009
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First Aid Kit For Birds
Bird Kit Contents:
1--Bird Kit Case
1--Styptic Powder (toenail/feather bleeding)
1--Pair Latex Gloves (personal protection)
1--1 oz. Eye & Skin Wash (flush eyes or wounds)
1--1" x 6 yd. Sterile Gauze Bandage (wrap wound areas)
1--Pair Scissors (trim feather/cut bandage tape)
1--Pair 5" Locking Forceps (remove broken blood feathers)
2--PVP lodine Antiseptic Swabs (sterilization)
2--Antiseptic Towelettes (clean wound or hands)
2--2" x 2" Gauze Pads (apply to wound area)
5--Cottan Swabs (apply ointment or creams)
1--'/2" x 2 '/2 yd. Adhesive Tape (secure bandage)
1--Hand Wipe (personal cleanup)
1--Bird Emergency Card (record info/vet phone number)



The AviStraint is a safe and humane method of avian restraint. It is used for temporary restraint to allow safe examination, grooming, and other procedures commonly performed on pet, and other, birds. It can also be used on patients post-anesthesia to prevent injurious wing flapping during recovery. It is not intended for long-term adornment or restraint and it should not be used for tethering or flight prevention. It is also not intended for protection against or to deter from feather damaging behaviors and other self-mutilation.

We recommend that owners do not restrain their own birds. Pet birds can become distrustful of owners when handled this way; some birds forgive, others do not. Good parrot-owner relationships are totally dependent on trust. Pet Bird owners can purchase them for their own birds and bring them along for their visits to the veterinarian and groomer.

For complete descriptions and video demonstrations visit
All Necessary Supplies should be stored in one convenient place, in an organizer or bin

Home Hospital Cage
A Home Hospital Cage is one of the most important items you will need in case of an emergency. It needs to be set up complete with perches, water bottle, food dishes, and paper in the tray. The Hospital Cage can also serve as the carrier to transport your bird to the veterinarian if necessary.

Hospital cage should include:
Cage or aquarium
Heating Pad and extension cord
Towels to cover the cage and hold in the heat
Tray liner
Food and water containers
Thermometer - cage should be 90-95ºF
An AviStraint© and towel for capture and restraint

The First Aid Kit should include:
Gauze is used to clean wounds and apply direct pressure to to stop bleeding.
Cotton-tipped Applicators or Q-Tips are used to apply medications and clean wounds.
Cotton balls to apply alcohol to feathers to better visualize wound.
Rubbing alcohol
Latex gloves to protect hands and to prevent spread of our bacteria to wounds when cleaning and applying topical treatment.
Betadine for cleaning wounds.
Bottle of eye wash to flush eyes and rinse or flush wounds.
Styptic gel works much better than the powders and is less messy. Do not apply to major wounds, vent, inside of mouth, or to eyes or eyelids.
Soother Spray and Cream to treat wounds and other lesions; prevents infection and reduces pain. Do not use greasy or oily ointments on birds. These will contaminate feathers and prevent thermoregulation.
Tweezers to remove debris from wounds, remove splinters, and remove ticks.
Metal nail file to smooth broken beaks and nails.
Hydrogen peroxide perfect for cleaning blood from feathers and clothes. Do not use on open wound because will delay healing.
BandAids in case you are bitten
Waterless Hand Cleaner - always wash hands before administering treatment
Pen light and Magnifying Lens to see better
Pad and pen to take notes on your observations and treatments that you will need to share with your veterinarian. Don’t rely on your memory in a stressful situation. You can also keep notes on how to handle each type of emergency.
Contact information for your veterinarian and the poison control center.
Find and get to know an avian veterinarian before you need one.

To find an avian veterinarian - veterinarians interested in avian medicine - board certified avian veterinarians

National Animal Poison Control Center Hotlines:
1-800-548-2423 - $30 per case
1-900-680-0000 - $20 first 5 minutes, plus $2.95 per additional minute